You could see the morale was high, this is the easiest day, but more importantly it's the last day, it's still forty miles though!
And a lot of us were broken!
Walking down the road at the start of the day and then the first wooded climb hits, its cool and the climb doesn't last long, we truly are in the south now.
We come up to a flat ridgeline, and I quickly look back and you can see the clouds in the valleys, it's an amazing view.
Hayley soon catches me up, we have a chat for five minutes talking about the week, we know we've done it, but we know there's still some distance to go, she pushes on.
It's nice rolling hills on this part and then your onto a nice public footpath. This is where I see the guy from No Limits photography and I brief him on what I'm planning to do on the finish line.
Its nice and flat, I jog/hike this until we get to the first bit of proper civilisation, there's a food takeaway place open, skip that lets find something a bit later.
As soon as I jump onto the Taff trail there's a competitor in front of me who I've had chats with over the course of the week, Lee Mahon, I see him going across a bridge completely off course, I shout to him about his route, his reply "I'm going Costa mate" now so am I, there was a boots next door too, strongest painkillers please.
I grab a BLT and an orange Lucozade from Costa, it was a great shout because where the day was so flat I knew I could actually digest it.
Me and Lee stick together for a bit talking about the week, especially day Five, where he mentioned on one of the hills I was pushing on because I was chasing cut off, he was aiming to stick with me because he knew I was still on the full course, I remember this now, everytime I kept looking back while on that hill he was always there.
We had to dig deep on that Storey Arms cut off!
I push on still on the taff trail, I see a big Co Op where competitors are going in, I've just eaten, let's get to Cardiff!
A little Zig Zag hill coming up, this is where I bump into Simon Roberts, we both say hello and he says "having fun" then he just sees how I'm hobbling, then we both laugh, he heads off like a gazelle.
I'm approaching the fern furnace, the heat was back, but at the top is checkpoint too and there is a nice breeze.
I'm plodding along and get caught up by a guy called Alex, we start chatting and then he says something in a military slang (Jackspeak).
And I ask him are you in the military and he says yeah the Marines, ya shitting me.
Where there is pain there is usually a few marines attempting what it is, we have a chat about people we know etc, and then he tells me there are some other marines on the course too.
And then about five minutes later we catch those marines up, you wouldn't believe it!
I push on a little bit and catch up to a girl called Emily, we have a quick chat and then I push on, for some reason I had second wind, I felt great, it was a lovely section into the first support point with shaded roads.
I get in, same procedure, get in get out, I also get a special gift from the drop bag, there was also a nice surprise at this checkpoint, Barry is here, he was doing the second half of the day and decided to wait for me so we could run together.
We head off, generally chatting about the week, going through little towns and bits of countryside, day six is like the perfect taper back to normality, the DB bubble is slowly deflating
Getting to that next support point, the one at the pub, the pain in my knee is back, I take painkillers but they don't really seem to be helping much now, plus I had a really gammy mouth, probably from the amount of Ibuprofen, luckily I had plenty of water.
We pass through more towns, there's a little shop and time for a quick Ice cream. I'm soon greeted by some friends, Luke, Laurel and Kita, It was great to see them, quick hello and move on, I just wanted to finish this race asap.
We then start climbing again, thank god its not steep, it's on the road too, we get back to the countryside, some nice rolling hills.
We come up to a checkpoint and there she is, you can see Cardiff, but you know there is still over 10 miles left.
We then descend to the final support point, it's at a pub and the tunes are blazing and there is some lollies, Barry's dad is here too, we have a quick chat and get going, through some fields and then were greeted by a couple of mates of mine Alex and Anetta, they give us some support and we push on.
Back onto the proper taff trail now, it's all lovely woodland that's shaded, the pain in the knee hasn't really left but I don't really want to take anymore painkillers.
I'm just thinking when will this path end!
We pass a pub, people clapping us, I just wanted a pint tbh, there's a gaggle of us now chatting away all happy.
Me and Barry are now walking along a river that almost leads you to the castle, and we both just wanted to jump in it.
I tell Barry about what I'm planning to do on the finish line, he's made up for me, he's the only person I've told apart from a select few.
I tell him to go on, I'm just moving too slow for him, I put in some head phones and try to smash this last section, plus my legs have had enough and my knee and quads are fully done.
It's lovely and sunny so there are loads of families about and kids playing in the river, looking at us like weirdos, not knowing we've basically traveled from Conwy on foot.
I come to section just before the castle, looking around like where the hell do I go, a local comes up to me and praises me while saying "It's that way mate"
Thank you!
There it is the big castle door at the back of the castle which is especially open for us, you can hear the music blaring loud.
I can see that finish line, the one I've seen in all the films I've watched, I'm actually here, I do deserve to be here!
I get the ring box in my hand and run in towards the finish line, always finish strong, even if deep down you feel like you are dying.
As I cross the line I'm looking around. Where is Hannah?! Then I see her, already crying, it's been an intense week for her.
I get down on one knee and ask her to marry me.
Well - this just made her cry even more! She said yes! What a magical moment!
I couldn't believe it, two minutes later the next competitor done it too!
It's finally over, I made it to the finish line. Time to go and wash myself with baby wipes before collecting my trophy heading off for a well deserved bath.
Looking back now I think 'what an amazing event', and would I do it all again. A week where you are surrounded by great people who are going through the same shit as you, if you are keen for it, go for it, just give yourself the time to train!
I'd like to thank everyone who donated to Simon Says Charity, you have had a massive impact on lots of bereaved children and young people's lives.
I'd like to thank Shane and his team for creating a truly incredible race that I'm sure is like no other.
I'd also like to thank friends, my tent mates, my family and the randomers who didn't know me and but still supported me.
Last but not least, Hannah and Basil for continued support during training, holding the fort back home, and bringing me memories of joy while being in the low places, and lastly, saying yes to being my wife.